
August 2023 | Version 1.0

Security Policy

Callouts like this are a summary of our security policy and contain the most important and relevant points for you. Please read the full security policy because it applies to you.

1.     Introduction

At Mainz (Pty) Ltd, registration number 2017/076750/07, (creator of Precision Shooter) we are committed to maintaining the security and integrity of our application. There is no such thing as ‘perfect security’. We have to create a balance between increased levels of security and making the application available to you.

2.     Our security responsibilities

We will ensure that:

              We host our application in a secure server environment that uses a firewall, antivirus and other advanced security measures to prevent interference or access from outside intruders.

              The information you give to us that is stored on or passes through our systems is protected. We use encryption to protect the personal information you give us where it is appropriate.

              The links from our systems to third party systems are secure. We use TLS to ensure an encrypted channel for network communication.

              We perform regular backups of data to ensure it can be recovered in the case of a disaster.

              We store data securely within the application’s hosted storage and minimal information within the application’s internal storage.

              We log all access to our system. If any unauthorised behaviour should occur, this will assist us in identifying and resolving the issue.

We are responsible for hosting our application securely, protecting your information you give us, securing our links, backing-up our data, storing data securely, and logging access.

3.     Our security disclaimers and responsibilities

While we take every reasonable measure to ensure the protection of your data and app security, you understand and agree to the following:

              Security policy. We implement a comprehensive security policy designed to safeguard your data, prevent unauthorised access, and protect against security breaches. This policy includes measures such as data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.

              User responsibility. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and any credentials you use to access the application. Please do not share your login credentials with others.

              Limitation of liability. We cannot guarantee that the application will be entirely free from security vulnerabilities or unauthorised access. You acknowledge that your use of the application is at your own risk.

              Assist you where possible. If you experience a problem or loss that is caused by: (i) information you provided to us; (ii) your mobile device being compromised in some way; (iii) or by something beyond our control.  We cannot take responsibility for causing the problem. We will, however, do our best to help you if we can.

              Third-party links. The application may contain links to third-party websites or services. Please be aware that these operate independently and have their own privacy and security practices. We are not responsible for the content or security of these external sites.

              Force majeure. To the extent allowed by law, we will not be held liable for any security breaches or unauthorised access resulting from events beyond our reasonable control, including acts of nature, hacking, or cyberattacks.

              Security updates. We may release periodic security updates for the app to address potential vulnerabilities. We encourage you to keep your application up to date to benefit from the latest security controls.

              Third party responsibilities. Third parties we link to are responsible for the security of data while it is collected by, stored on, or passing through the systems under their control.

4.     Your security responsibilities

4.1  Recommended steps

You should:

              Implement security measures on your mobile device, such as adding a secure passcode or a multifactor authentication process.

              Do not click on suspicious links sent by known or unknown senders.

              Update your software to ensure you are always running the current version.

You should have security measures on your mobile device and keep the software up to date.

4.2  Additional steps

Other steps you should take to help protect your mobile device include:

              Device security. Ensure that your mobile device has up-to-date security features, including antivirus software, firewalls, and operating system updates. Regularly scan your device for malware or potential threats.

              Secure network. Use a secure and password-protected Wi-Fi network or mobile data connection when accessing the application. Avoid using public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks, which may expose your device to potential risks.

              Application updates. Keep the application updated to our latest version. Updates often include security patches and improvements that protect against vulnerabilities.

              Avoid unauthorized sources. Download the application only from official mobile application stores (e.g., Google Play Store or Apple App Store). Avoid sideloading or installing the app from unauthorised sources, as it may lead to the installation of compromised versions.

5.     Protecting your password

You should:

              Never share your password with anyone.

              Never send your password via email.

              Make your password as strong as possible.

6.     Phishing

No confirmation through links

We will never ask you to confirm your username and password or other sensitive information by clicking on any links in an email other than the email link we send you at registration to verify your email address. Be aware of “phishing” attacks where criminals attempt to obtain your sensitive information by sending you an email, masquerading as an email from us, event organisers, or advertisers, asking you to access your account or verify information via links in the email, or diverting you to fake websites. Please report any suspected phishing attacks to us immediately to prevent any harm to you or other users.

We will not generally ask you to confirm your personal information through links. If someone does, it may be a phishing attack.

7.     Contact us

Please report any suspicious or unauthorised activity relating to your use of our application to us at info@precisionshooter.co.za, because it will help us make our application as secure as we can.

8.     Our right to take action

We reserve the right to take whatever action we may deem necessary at any time to preserve the security and reliable operation of our system. You undertake not to do (or permit anything to be done) that may compromise the system under our control.


Application Disclaimer

1.     Introduction

We are the Precision Shooter application developer. Our application is a platform for advertising events, firearms, ammunition, and related products. We do not endorse or verify the accuracy, legality, or quality of the advertised events or products. You are solely responsible for your interactions and transactions with event organisers and sellers.

2.     Acknowledgement of disclaimers

By accessing and using the application, you acknowledge and agree to these disclaimers. It is important for you to read and understand these disclaimers carefully before using the application.

3.     This disclaimer applies to any event or products advertised

This disclaimer applies to your use of the application and your interactions and transactions with event organisers and sellers. If there is a conflict between this disclaimer and any other, this one will prevail.

4.     Legal requirements related to communications

By communicating with us electronically, you consent to receiving messages from us electronically and agree that any agreement, notice, disclosure, or other message transmitted electronically satisfies any legal requirement, including that it be "in writing". Unless we agree otherwise, we are only deemed to have:

              received a message once a person has responded to it; and.

              sent a message once reflected as "sent" on our message server logs.

5.     Age restrictions

You must be 18 years of age or older to use this application. Children under 18 may use the application with the express consent of their parent or legal guardian, who assumes full responsibility for their child’s usage and agrees to supervise and indemnify us against any liabilities arising from such use.

6.     Advertisement accuracy

While we aim to provide accurate and the latest information about events and products, there may be errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the advertisements. We are not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. We encourage you to independently verify the information with the event organisers or sellers before participating or making purchases.

7.     Third party content

The application may contain links to third-party websites, advertisements, and content. We do not endorse or assume responsibility for the content, practices, or policies of these third-party entities. You must exercise caution and review the third-party terms and privacy policies.

8.     Assumption of risk

If you choose to participate in events, purchase firearms, ammunition, or related products, you do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for any injury, damage, or loss resulting from such activities or transactions.

9.     Your legal compliance

You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines related to shooting events and activities, firearms, ammunition, and related products. We are not liable for any legal consequences arising from your non-compliance.

10. Misuse of the application

We do not endorse or support you, the user, if you engage in misuse, fraudulent activities, or unlawful actions. We reserve the right to take appropriate action, including suspending or terminating your account.

11. User responsibility

While we strive to maintain a safe environment within our application, users play an essential role in upholding our community standards. If you come across any inappropriate content, please report it to us immediately.

12. Indemnity

By using our application, you agree to indemnify us for any loss, claim, demand, damage, cost (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) or liability arising out of your use of this application.

13. Warranty and disclaimer

We do not give any express or implied warranty or make any other promise in relation to the events or firearms and related products advertised on our application.

14. Limitation of liability

To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will we (or our personnel) be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or losses (whether foreseeable or unforeseeable) of any kind (including loss of profits, loss of goodwill, damages relating to lost or damaged data or software, loss of use, damages relating to downtime or costs of substitute products) arising from your use of the application or interaction with event organisers and sellers.

15. Enquiries

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@precisionshooter.co.za.

16. Changes

We may change this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. We will attempt to notify you of any changes with a notification via the application.  We encourage you to review these disclaimers regularly to stay informed of any changes.

17. Governing law

South African law governs this disclaimer and your use of our application.

18. Jurisdiction

The parties’ consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court in respect of any action or proceedings that a party may bring against the other in connection with this agreement, even if the action or proceedings would otherwise be beyond its jurisdiction without prejudice to a party’s right to institute any action in any other court having jurisdiction.

19. Corporate information

Mainz (Pty) Ltd


19 Gerda Street





For the purposes of this disclaimer, “we” or “us” means the company above and those related to it as specified in the Companies Act, 2008.


© Copyright 2023 Mainz (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.

Intellectual property. Unless stated otherwise, we have created, acquired or otherwise obtained rights in our intellectual property including, any registered or unregistered: copyright or trademark; design or patent; concepts or ideas; function, system, process, algorithms, data, code; the generalised features of the structure, sequence and organisation of software, user interfaces and screen designs. You are not permitted to copy, reproduce, or use any such material without our prior written consent. All third-party trademarks, service marks, logos, product names, and other content the application displays are the property of their respective owners, and their use is only for reference purposes. Any use of this third-party content without the express permission of their respective owners is prohibited.